Naked Soldiers, Mindelact International Theater Festival, 2022

REVIEW - 09.11.2022 [Joao Branco, Diari, Mindelact 2022] (Eng translation) Let's think about framing. We see two white actors and two black actors in the scene. The white actors’ English is urban English, very deep and difficult to understand, even for those who master the language. Her English is perfect. The English of the black actors is also excellent, especially the actor who is the protagonist of the spectacle. Let's think about framing we see two white actors and two black actors in the scene the white actors English is urban English very deep and difficult to understand even for those who Master the language. Her English is perfect. The English of the black actors is also excellent, especially the actor who is the protagonist of the spectacle, but it is clear it is not the mother tongue, neither of one nor the other. And we are amazed when we are informed that The two black actors are Cape Verdeans from the island of Maio, probably the most isolated island in Cape Verde. And the truth is that, looking at the stage, they are performing on Stage 1 of Mindelact, the largest performing arts event in West Africa as part of an international project based in London, founded by themselves in the host country. Sometimes the art of the stage is what matters most. But in this case, although I considered the show to be quite competent in terms of dramaturgy, interpretation and management of rhythms and energies in the course of the scenes. The project is called Teatro Internacional de Cabo Verde and they came up with a proposal to Stage Naked Soldiers in association with the Ka Zimba Theatre Company, a Mark Norfolk collective with a black, English, internationally acclaimed director and playwright, who is also the author of the text. Of course, with these unique characteristics, the show would have to bring up themes that are present today and, I would say, urgent. The question of emigration, especially the clandestine emigration from Africa with all the humanitarian tragedy that it carries with it, is the common thread of the story. We know that for everyone who arrives at their final destination, the image of a child dead on the shores of a European beach hits us in the head and, looking at the stage, we become aware of the daring of this Anglo-Creole project and we can only applaud standing up. The analysis of pure and hard theater, in this case, a secondary element. Applause TICAVE.

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